时间:5月1日 星期日 下午 2:00 - 下午 6:00
地址:地铁1号线倪家桥附近,成都锦绣路1号保利中心B座19楼 1911(B座也即是东区2栋)拾级 Cafe
要求:无论小白还是大神,都欢迎。可以预先对 NLP 也就是自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing) 进行一些基本了解,然后主题分享者是老外,要求有适当的英文听力。英文不好的就当是一次愉快的面基可好?
活动还是惯例2点开始集合,不过 Fred 安排的 NLP 讨论是在 4点开始。Chengdu AI, ML and Data Science 原活动信息详见: AI Meetup 链接 (请直接报名, 方便统计)
大概内容及安排:( 可参考 Slides)
1. 下午2点正式开始,先是老规矩每个人自我介绍,互相勾搭
2. 本次活动内容说明,及讨论话题、分享主题等选定
3. Python 和编程开发相关的讨论分享
4. 4点由 Fred 主持的 NLP 分享讨论
5. 有待补充的其他讨论或其他主题分享
While the internet is highly image based, most of our communication is still text based. Learning to write algorithms that can respond to text based input in a natural way will be an important skill going forward in our fast changing world.
In this meetup we discuss
1. Installing NLTK library and getting started with NLP.
2. Microsoft AI bot incident
3. Are bots the new apps? Facebook thinks so.
4. Possible NLP projects
5. NLP related job openings
6. If time permits, we take a look at an interesting NLP related kaggle exercise
If you've never done anything in NLP, don't worry, we'll be using the NLTK library. It's all basic python string manipulation and Sci-kit learn. Discussions will be casual and everyone is welcome to contribute.
大概在 6:00-7:00 有需要的就一起晚饭(AA),然后看各人情况,可以继续 hacking 或聊天到9点或更晚。

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